Search results — 27 items matching your search terms
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NNC Migodi PE 9 May 2016
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi PE 13 April 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi PE 13 June 2016
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Songwe Mine PE 13 April 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Background of Kanyika mine by Inkosi Mwabulabo 30 March 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Kanyika discussion Part 1 28 Mar 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Kanyika discussion Part 2 4 April 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Kanyika Mine 9 March 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Kanyika Mining Program 9 Mar 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Kayerekera 20 June 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Mining Review 18 May 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Mpata Discussions 14 June 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi 2 May 2016
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi 9 March 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi 15 February 2016
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi 28 December 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi 29 February 2016
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi Mwabulabo 30 March 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
An Outline of Select Mining Policy and Legislation Frameworks from East and Southern Africa
- An outline of key provisions from mining policy and legislation from some selected countries
Assessment of Mining Policy Implementation in Malawi
- A presentation of the findings of the study on mining governance that is aimed at assessing the extent to which ongoing mining activities comply with the ...
CEPA reports Substantial Progress in Mining Governance Project
- An article on the progress that CEPA has made in strengthening mining governance
CEPA Spearheads Oversight Role on Mining Sector
- An article on CEPAs oversight role in the mining sector
Elements for a Mines and Minerals Development Bill
- This short brief outlines some of the key issues that have been highlighted and some recommendations that may be considered to improve the draft bill.
Malawi Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (MWEITI) Scoping Study
- A scoping study commissioned by the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) of the Malawi Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (MWEITI) to prepare the MSGs ...
Model Mining Development Policy
- The model policy seeks to provide direction for developing an efficient regulatory and management framework to stimulate private sector investment into the ...
Review of the Draft Mines and Minerals Bill 2015
- An analysis and review the draft Mines and Minerals Bill 2015 to highlight the gaps and weaknesses identified in various policy debates and dialogues.
Status of Policy and Legal Framework for Mining in Malawi
- An outline of key policy considerations towards a more responsive mining governance framework