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The customary land Act of 2016 is the legal framework for the administration and management of customary land in Malawi.

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The customary land Act of 2016 is the legal framework for the administration and management of customary land in Malawi.

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The customary land Act of 2016 is the legal framework for the administration and management of customary land in Malawi.

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Malawi National Guidelines on Integrated Catchment Management and Rural Infrastructure - Volume II

Volume II comprises practical activities targeted at village level. It explains village level planning processes, and how the Village Level Action Plans formed are turned into on-farm and community activities. Step-by-step technical guidance is given for a range of measures, from (for example) conservation agriculture and agroforestry, to gully rehabilitation and forest management.

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Call for Proposals - CEPA Customary Land Governance Project Documentation of Lessons Learnt

Call for Proposals - CEPA Customary Land Governance Project Documentation of Lessons Learnt

Terms of reference for a consultancy assignment to document and consolidate lessons; and package clear policy proposals for consideration in the nationwide rollout of inclusive customary land governance based on lessons from the ‘Strengthening Land Governance System for Smallholder Farmers in Malawi’ Project.

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A Review of the Land Bills 2013

A Review of the Land Bills 2013

An analysis of the drafting issues within and between the land bills as well as between the land bills and related legislation touching on land matters such as those dealing with forestry, water, environment and wildlife. The paper provides a summary of the proposals for addressing the issues identified and highlighted in the analysis

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An Outline of Select Mining Policy and Legislation Frameworks from East and Southern Africa

An Outline of Select Mining Policy and Legislation Frameworks from East and Southern Africa

An outline of key provisions from mining policy and legislation from some selected countries

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An Overview of Communal Land Tenure in Namibia - Unlocking its Economic Potential

An Overview of Communal Land Tenure in Namibia - Unlocking its Economic Potential

An overview of the provision of secure tenure over commonage land rights

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Assessing the Impact of Customary Land Rights Registration on Credit Access by Farmers in Tanzania - A Case Study on Mbozi District

Assessing the Impact of Customary Land Rights Registration on Credit Access by Farmers in Tanzania - A Case Study on Mbozi District

An assessing of how far and to what extent rural land tilting conducted by customary land administration system has managed to promote poor farmers in assessing credit

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Assessment of Mining Policy Implementation in Malawi

Assessment of Mining Policy Implementation in Malawi

A presentation of the findings of the study on mining governance that is aimed at assessing the extent to which ongoing mining activities comply with the existing regulatory framework

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Assessment of Policy Implementation of Relocation Programmes - A Case of Nacala Railway Project

Assessment of Policy Implementation of Relocation Programmes - A Case of Nacala Railway Project

Assessing the implementation of the relocation policy of the Nacala Railway project. The study focused on Mwanza and Neno

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CEPA reports Substantial Progress in Mining Governance  Project

CEPA reports Substantial Progress in Mining Governance Project

An article on the progress that CEPA has made in strengthening mining governance

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CEPA Spearheads Oversight Role on Mining Sector

CEPA Spearheads Oversight Role on Mining Sector

An article on CEPAs oversight role in the mining sector

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CEPA Strategic Plan 2011-2015

CEPA Strategic Plan 2011-2015

A guiding document on the framework for strengthening the governance and management structure and programme focus areas for Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy for the period 2011 to 2015

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CEPA Strategic Plan 2016-2020

CEPA Strategic Plan 2016-2020

A guiding document on the framework for strengthening the governance and management structure and programme focus areas for Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy for the period 2015 to 2020

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Climate Smart Agriculture Policy Review

Climate Smart Agriculture Policy Review

A review of policies and strategies related to climate smart agriculture

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Conversions of Customary Lands to Leasehold Titles - Zambia

Conversions of Customary Lands to Leasehold Titles - Zambia

This brief analyses the conversion process and its impact on rural communities, and discusses proposed solutions for securing customary land rights in Zambia.

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DF Lead Farmer Extension and Training Guide on Sustainable Agriculture

DF Lead Farmer Extension and Training Guide on Sustainable Agriculture

The guide contains technical information, and takes into consideration lessons learnt from field experiences. It incorporates step-by-step construction procedures which are easier to follow, simplified to the level of an extension worker and Lead Farmer. The guide also promotes low cost but more sustainable approaches that will assist the farmers to use land-based natural resources in a sustainable manner.

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Effects of Land Tenure and Property Rights on Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia, Namibia and Bangladesh

Effects of Land Tenure and Property Rights on Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia, Namibia and Bangladesh

A discussion on the issues related to land tenure system, land rights, agricultural productivity and the effects of climate change. The paper presents an overall view of the above-mentioned themes in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, namely in Ethiopia, Namibia and Bangladesh

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Elements for a Mines and Minerals Development Bill

Elements for a Mines and Minerals Development Bill

This short brief outlines some of the key issues that have been highlighted and some recommendations that may be considered to improve the draft bill.

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FAO Land Tenure Studies 6 - The design of land consolidation pilot projects in Central and Eastern Europe

FAO Land Tenure Studies 6 - The design of land consolidation pilot projects in Central and Eastern Europe

This study provides advice on what countries could do to start a land consolidation pilot project. The guide is based on work undertaken by the Land Tenure Service together with its partners over several years

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FAO Land Tenure Studies 8 - Access to rural land and land administration after violent conflicts

FAO Land Tenure Studies 8 - Access to rural land and land administration after violent conflicts

This volume supports land tenure and land administration specialists who participate in the recreation of land tenure and its administration in countries following violent conflicts

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FAO Land Tenure Studies 9 - Good governance in land tenure and administration

FAO Land Tenure Studies 9 - Good governance in land tenure and administration

This volume supports land tenure and land administration professionals and their partners who are committed to improving governance in a land administration system or in an institution managing lands held under customary tenure.

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Grabbing land in Malawi

Grabbing land in Malawi

This brief explores the role that grabbing of land in Malawi plays contributing to the distribution of land in Malawi. It focuses on various forms of malpractice, corruption or opportunistic behaviours associated with land transfers.

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Handling land- Innovative Tools for Land Governance and Secure Tenure

Handling land- Innovative Tools for Land Governance and Secure Tenure

The book features land tools developed by the Global Land Tool Network which offer practical ways to solve problems in land administration and management. These range from a simple checklist for conducting a survey or a set of software and accompanying protocols, to a broad set of guidelines and approaches

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Implications of Nacala Corridor Project to Communities

Implications of Nacala Corridor Project to Communities

A case study on the implications of Nacala Project to communities

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Improving Land Administration and Management in Bangladesh

Improving Land Administration and Management in Bangladesh

The report discusses regulations on land use, transfers, acquisition and settlement, various aspects of land administration and management in Bangladesh

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Improving Land Sector Governance in Malawi - Implementation of the Land Governance Assessment Framework

Improving Land Sector Governance in Malawi - Implementation of the Land Governance Assessment Framework

This report assesses the status of Land governance in Malawi using the Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF)

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Land Administration for Sustainable Development

Land Administration for Sustainable Development

The book explains how land administration systems have evolved from linking cadastral land records to demonstrating their inherent power for sharing spatial information that can change the world. It presents ten principles of land administration, along with a toolbox of best practices for realizing the land management paradigm of land tenure, land value, land use, and land development and it also provides ways of dealing with the challenges that land administration systems face to ensure the vision of economic development, social justice, environmental protection, and good governance.

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Land and Agrarian Reform- Historical Background and Challenges

Land and Agrarian Reform- Historical Background and Challenges

A brief history of how we have come to have the policies and laws that govern land ownership in Malawi

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Land Tenure Systems and their Impacts on Food Security and Sustainable Development in Africa

Land Tenure Systems and their Impacts on Food Security and Sustainable Development in Africa

This paper develops an analytic perspective of the linkages between land tenure, food security and sustainable development in the African context

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Malawi Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (MWEITI) Scoping Study

Malawi Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (MWEITI) Scoping Study

A scoping study commissioned by the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) of the Malawi Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (MWEITI) to prepare the MSG’s decision to define the scope for the start of the EITI reporting cycle

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Model Mining Development Policy

Model Mining Development Policy

The model policy seeks to provide direction for developing an efficient regulatory and management framework to stimulate private sector investment into the mining sector and ensure that the country benefits in terms of improved revenue, employment creation and sustainable economic development.

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Nacala Corridor Railway Line Relocations - A Case study of Dyna Binali

Nacala Corridor Railway Line Relocations - A Case study of Dyna Binali

A case study on land relocation and compensation practices in national development projects

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Natures Voice - Volume 5 Issue 1

Natures Voice - Volume 5 Issue 1

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 5 Issue 2

Natures Voice - Volume 5 Issue 2

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 6 Issue 1

Natures Voice - Volume 6 Issue 1

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 7 Issue 1 2011

Natures Voice - Volume 7 Issue 1 2011

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 7 Issue 2

Natures Voice - Volume 7 Issue 2

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 10 Issue 1

Natures Voice - Volume 10 Issue 1

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 11 Issue 2

Natures Voice - Volume 11 Issue 2

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 7 Issue 1

Natures Voice - Volume 7 Issue 1

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 9 Issue 2

Natures Voice - Volume 9 Issue 2

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Organic Manure - A Sustainable Means to Achieve National Food Security and Economic Empowerment

Organic Manure - A Sustainable Means to Achieve National Food Security and Economic Empowerment

A compilation of experience highlighting importance of organic manure for sustainable agriculture production in Malawi

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Policy Brief on Irrigation Policy

Policy Brief on Irrigation Policy

A brief overview of the National Irrigation Policy and Development Strategy (2000)

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Policy Brief on Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy

Policy Brief on Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy

A brief overview of the National Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy (2000)

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Policy Brief on Malawi National Land Policy

Policy Brief on Malawi National Land Policy

A brief summary of the National Land Policy (2000)

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Policy Brief on National Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy (2000)

Policy Brief on National Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy (2000)

This policy serves as an instrument for conservation of land for agriculture and indicates land use and management measures that will help balance and regulate the competing land use for different activities such as forestry and human settlements.

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Report of  Land  and Agrarian  Reform in  Malawi

Report of Land and Agrarian Reform in Malawi

A review of the Malawi land reform process

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Review of the Draft Mines and Minerals Bill 2015

Review of the Draft Mines and Minerals Bill 2015

An analysis and review the draft Mines and Minerals Bill 2015 to highlight the gaps and weaknesses identified in various policy debates and dialogues.

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Status of Policy and Legal Framework for Mining in Malawi

Status of Policy and Legal Framework for Mining in Malawi

An outline of key policy considerations towards a more responsive mining governance framework

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Summary  of the Review of  the Land Bills 2013

Summary of the Review of the Land Bills 2013

This paper has highlighted some of the key concerns expressed by various civil society organizations such as Land Net, Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace, Action Aid International Malawi and Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy.

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Sustainability of the Malawi Farm Input Subsidy Programme

Sustainability of the Malawi Farm Input Subsidy Programme

A policy brief on an assessment of the sustainability of the national Fertilizer Input Subsidy Programme (FISP)

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Tanzania Resettlement Policy Framework

Tanzania Resettlement Policy Framework

This document provides overall guidance on the process of resettlement, in accordance to the Tanzanian laws, and the principles and policy objectives.

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The 2012-2013 Budget Analysis for the Agriculture Sector

The 2012-2013 Budget Analysis for the Agriculture Sector

An analysis of the 2012/13 budget estimates for the Agriculture and Food Security sector.

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The Effects of Rural Land Certification in Securing Land Rights - A Case of Amhra Region, Ethiopia

The Effects of Rural Land Certification in Securing Land Rights - A Case of Amhra Region, Ethiopia

An analysis on the effects of rural land certification in securing land rights in Amhara region. It also looks at the status of land improvement activities made by land holders after government certification programme and extent and composition of disputes over land.

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The  Gender Implications  of Joint  Land  Tilting  in Ethiopia

The Gender Implications of Joint Land Tilting in Ethiopia

A highlight on the gender implications of joint Land tilting in Ethiopia.

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Unbundling Land Administrative Reform - Demand for Second Stage Land Certification in Ethiopia

Unbundling Land Administrative Reform - Demand for Second Stage Land Certification in Ethiopia

An analysis on the effectiveness of the second stage Land Certification in Ethiopia which involves GPS measurement and computer registration.

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Urban Customary Land Practices in Malawi - A Catalyst for Growth of Informal settlement

Urban Customary Land Practices in Malawi - A Catalyst for Growth of Informal settlement

The research seeks to find out the cause of customary land practices in Zomba, how it has contributed to the spread of unplanned settlements and ways to address the problem in a bid to improve housing situation and socio-economic development for the all income groups, with a special focus on the low income group in the city

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Who Benefits from Land Titling - Lessons from Bolivia and Laos

Who Benefits from Land Titling - Lessons from Bolivia and Laos

An illustration on the concern of uneven impacts of formalisation programmes, especially their potentially negative impacts on women

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FMA Machinga Chipamba Block

FMA Machinga Chipamba Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Chipojola Block

FMA Machinga Chipojola Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Dalamponda-Makumba Block

FMA Machinga Dalamponda-Makumba Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Kachato Block

FMA Machinga Kachato Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Kwilasya Block

FMA Machinga Kwilasya Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Lipongo Block

FMA Machinga Lipongo Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Liundi Milala Block

FMA Machinga Liundi Milala Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Makaluka Block

FMA Machinga Makaluka Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Malajira Block

FMA Machinga Malajira Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Matandika Block

FMA Machinga Matandika Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Mbawe Block

FMA Machinga Mbawe Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Mdere Mlelemba Block

FMA Machinga Mdere Mlelemba Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Mitawa Nsinji Block

FMA Machinga Mitawa Nsinji Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Mliwo Block

FMA Machinga Mliwo Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Naungu Block

FMA Machinga Naungu Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Ndaje-Nkula Block

FMA Machinga Ndaje-Nkula Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Ntawira - Mlomba Block

FMA Machinga Ntawira - Mlomba Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Mzimba Chafisi Block

FMA Mzimba Chafisi Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Mzimba Chilerawalanda Block

FMA Mzimba Chilerawalanda Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Mzimba Chinjoka-Chipingu Block

FMA Mzimba Chinjoka-Chipingu Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Mzimba Duwu Block

FMA Mzimba Duwu Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Mzimba Gudugudu Block

FMA Mzimba Gudugudu Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Mzimba Kavikula Block 2

FMA Mzimba Kavikula Block 2

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Mzimba Lazalo-Gausi-Zawo Block

FMA Mzimba Lazalo-Gausi-Zawo Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Mzimba Lwasozi Block

FMA Mzimba Lwasozi Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Mzimba Mnyukuzi Block

FMA Mzimba Mnyukuzi Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Mzimba Mutuwanjobvu Block

FMA Mzimba Mutuwanjobvu Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Mzimba Nthaghabo Block

FMA Mzimba Nthaghabo Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Mzimba Thundwe Block 1B

FMA Mzimba Thundwe Block 1B

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Mzimba Walula Block 1 A

FMA Mzimba Walula Block 1 A

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Chanika Block- Chichewa

FMA Ntchisi Chanika Block- Chichewa

Ndondomeko yopereka mphavu ndi udindo kwa anthu zosamalira nkhalango zotetezedwa, ndi kugwiritsa bwino ntchito zinthu zopezeka mnenemo

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FMA Ntchisi Chanika Block

FMA Ntchisi Chanika Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Chazama Block

FMA Ntchisi Chazama Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Chenthe Block

FMA Ntchisi Chenthe Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Chifwerekete Block- Chichewa

FMA Ntchisi Chifwerekete Block- Chichewa

Ndondomeko yopereka mphavu ndi udindo kwa anthu zosamalira nkhalango zotetezedwa, ndi kugwiritsa bwino ntchito zinthu zopezeka mnenemo

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FMA Ntchisi Chifwerekete Block

FMA Ntchisi Chifwerekete Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Chifwerekete I and II Block- Chichewa

FMA Ntchisi Chifwerekete I and II Block- Chichewa

Ndondomeko yopereka mphavu ndi udindo kwa anthu zosamalira nkhalango zotetezedwa, ndi kugwiritsa bwino ntchito zinthu zopezeka mnenemo

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FMA Ntchisi Kajaliza Block

FMA Ntchisi Kajaliza Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Mandwe Block

FMA Ntchisi Mandwe Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Mkomba Block

FMA Ntchisi Mkomba Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Mndinda Block

FMA Ntchisi Mndinda Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Mnguluwe Block

FMA Ntchisi Mnguluwe Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Mpamila Block

FMA Ntchisi Mpamila Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Mpamira Block- Chichewa

FMA Ntchisi Mpamira Block- Chichewa

Ndondomeko yopereka mphavu ndi udindo kwa anthu zosamalira nkhalango zotetezedwa, ndi kugwiritsa bwino ntchito zinthu zopezeka mnenemo

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FMA Ntchisi Mponda Block- Chichewa

FMA Ntchisi Mponda Block- Chichewa

Ndondomeko yopereka mphavu ndi udindo kwa anthu zosamalira nkhalango zotetezedwa, ndi kugwiritsa bwino ntchito zinthu zopezeka mnenemo

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FMA Ntchisi Msankhire Block- Chichewa

FMA Ntchisi Msankhire Block- Chichewa

Ndondomeko yopereka mphavu ndi udindo kwa anthu zosamalira nkhalango zotetezedwa, ndi kugwiritsa bwino ntchito zinthu zopezeka mnenemo

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FMA Ntchisi Nyanga Block- Chichewa

FMA Ntchisi Nyanga Block- Chichewa

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Nyanga Block

FMA Ntchisi Nyanga Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Nyanja Block- Chichewa

FMA Ntchisi Nyanja Block- Chichewa

Ndondomeko yopereka mphavu ndi udindo kwa anthu zosamalira nkhalango zotetezedwa, ndi kugwiritsa bwino ntchito zinthu zopezeka mnenemo

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FMA Ntchisi Nyanja Block

FMA Ntchisi Nyanja Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Sambakunsi Block

FMA Ntchisi Sambakunsi Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Sambakusi Block

FMA Ntchisi Sambakusi Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Ntchisi Undi Block

FMA Ntchisi Undi Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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Status of Forests and Tree Management in Malawi

Status of Forests and Tree Management in Malawi

The paper looks at the history of forest conservation in Malawi and at forest cover trends in Malawi

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Striking a Balance - Wetland Management and Policy Gaps

Striking a Balance - Wetland Management and Policy Gaps

A keynote address on how wetlands are managed and the policy gaps

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FMA Machinga Chidenga-Mangulu-Nsanama Block

FMA Machinga Chidenga-Mangulu-Nsanama Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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FMA Machinga Chikwakwata-Nyama-Mangaka Block

FMA Machinga Chikwakwata-Nyama-Mangaka Block

A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land

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9th Southern Africa Civil Society Forum Climate Change Statement

9th Southern Africa Civil Society Forum Climate Change Statement

Statement on the 9t Southern Africa Civil Society Forum on Climate change

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9th Southern Africa Civil Society Forum- Acting Together Ensuring Accountability

9th Southern Africa Civil Society Forum- Acting Together Ensuring Accountability

9th southern Africa Civil Society Forum-Acting Together Ensuring Accountability

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A Guide to the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology ROAM

A Guide to the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology ROAM

A handbook to guide assessment teams through the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM)

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A Study of the Economic and Social Impact of Three Irrigation Schemes in Dedza and Ntcheu Districts

A Study of the Economic and Social Impact of Three Irrigation Schemes in Dedza and Ntcheu Districts

A study to assess the extent to which forecasts that were made about social and economic benefits of rural irrigation schemes were realise d on the ground

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A World of Opportunity Map 2015

A World of Opportunity Map 2015

A map showing areas where forests or woodlands can grow naturally but are diminished by human impact, so that the forest is either missing or its density is significantly reduced. It is intended to inform policy-making at the global level

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Arborvitae Volume 45 - Forest Landscape Restoration Potential and Impacts

Arborvitae Volume 45 - Forest Landscape Restoration Potential and Impacts

A newsletter that has issues to do with forest landscape restoration potential and impacts

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Community Experiences with Climate change - Case Study of Salima District

Community Experiences with Climate change - Case Study of Salima District

A compilation of case studies on community climate change experience in Salima district

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Economic Valuation and Restoration Carbon Accrual

Economic Valuation and Restoration Carbon Accrual

Assessing the net economic benefits and carbon mitigation potential of Forest Landscape Restoration

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Forest Landscape Restoration Overview

Forest Landscape Restoration Overview

An overview of forest landscape restoration. It incorporates many diverse land uses - based on the context of the land and the needs of the community

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PERFORM Gender Analysis and Plan

PERFORM Gender Analysis and Plan

A gender analyses for the PERFORM project

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Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology Briefing Note

Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology Briefing Note

A briefing note on the Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology (ROAM)

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Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology ROAM

Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology ROAM

A guide for interested users to identify landscapes that offer opportunities for restoration considered at a national and subnational level; and to gain preliminary information about those lands in order to undertake successful restoration planning and eventual implementation

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The Bonn Challenge and Landscape Restoration

The Bonn Challenge and Landscape Restoration

A practical, action-orientated platform to facilitate the implementation of several existing international commitments that require restoration, including the CBD Aichi Target 15, the UNFCCC REDD+ goal and the Rio+20 land degradation target

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The Bonn Challenge Phase 2

The Bonn Challenge Phase 2

A global goal to restore 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested lands by 2020

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The Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration

The Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration

A publication on the advantages of joining global partnership on forest landscape restoration

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Agricultural Research Master Plan 1995

Agricultural Research Master Plan 1995

A five year plan to guide planning and execution of research programmes for the development of agriculture in Malawi

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Agro-Processing Policy Review 2002

Agro-Processing Policy Review 2002

A review on the national agro-processing policy

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Brief Summary of Policies and Strategies in the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation 2002

Brief Summary of Policies and Strategies in the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation 2002

A presentation on the policies and strategies in the agriculture sector

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EIA Process in Malawi

EIA Process in Malawi

Guidelines that provide a list of projects that require an EIA, and a list of projects that may require an EIA

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Electricity Act 2004

Electricity Act 2004

The Act provides information on the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity

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Energy Regulation Act 2004

Energy Regulation Act 2004

The Act defines the functions and powers of the Energy Regulatory Authority and provides for licensing of energy undertakings

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Food Security Policy 2006

Food Security Policy 2006

National Food security Policy

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Irrigation Act 2001

Irrigation Act 2001

An Act to make provision for the sustainable development and management of irrigation, protection of the environment from irrigation related degradations, establishment of the National Irrigation Board

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Land Bill 2012

Land Bill 2012

This Bill seeks to make provision for land in Malawi and for all matters relating to land

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Local Government Act 1998

Local Government Act 1998

An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to local government

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Malawi Agricultural Sector Wide Approach

Malawi Agricultural Sector Wide Approach

The ASWAp is a single comprehensive programme and budget framework that has a formalized process for better donor coordination and harmonization of investment and alignment of funding arrangements between Government of Malawi and donors in the agricultural sector

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National Contract Farming Strategy 2007

National Contract Farming Strategy 2007

A strategy for Contract Farming in Malawi

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National Environmental Action Plan Vol I 1994

National Environmental Action Plan Vol I 1994

An analysis of major environmental issues and measures to alleviate them, promote sustainable use of natural resources in Malawi, and to develop an environmental protection and management plan

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National Irrigation Policy and Development Strategy 2000

National Irrigation Policy and Development Strategy 2000

National Policy and strategy on irrigation and irrigation related issues

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National Land Policy  2002

National Land Policy 2002

The policy provides a sound institutional framework for land management and introduces, among others, much needed procedures for more effective land based investment selection, land market transactions and management of development at all levels

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National Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy 2000

National Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy 2000

Policy and strategy on national land resources management

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National Physical Development Plan Volume 1 1987

A document on the integration of social, economic and physical development, spatially balanced development, human settlements and service centres, and the use of land

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National Physical Development Plan Volume 2 1987

National Physical Development Plan Volume 2 1987

A document on integration of social, economic and physical development, spatially balanced development, human settlements and service centres and the use of land

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National Water Policy 2005

The National Water Policy

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New Agriculture Policy- A Strategic Agenda for Addressing Economic Development and Food Security in Malawi 2005

New Agriculture Policy- A Strategic Agenda for Addressing Economic Development and Food Security in Malawi 2005

Outlines the actions to be implemented by the institution and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector in an effort to create ‘a nation with sustainable food security and increased agro-based incomes’

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Vision 2020- The National Long Term Development Perspective for Malawi

Vision 2020- The National Long Term Development Perspective for Malawi

The basis for short and medium term plans to achieve the vision that Malawians see for the year 2020

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Tenure and REDD+ in Malawi

Tenure and REDD+ in Malawi

This tenure assessment provides an overview of the key issues and options for supporting the implementation of national reforms on tenure and land related issues that have been ongoing since 2002; while contributing to the overall enabling environment for more effective forest and REDD+ governance

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Nature's Voice - Volume 12 Issue 2

Nature's Voice - Volume 12 Issue 2

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Lessons from Piloting Inclusive Customary Land Governance

Lessons from Piloting Inclusive Customary Land Governance

The implementation of the Strengthening Land Governance Systems for Smallholder Farmers in Malawi Project provided useful lessons for scaling up the titling and registration of customary estates provided for under the Customary Land Act 2016 (CLA) and the Customary Land Regulation 2018 (CLR). This report shares the key lessons for the improvement of the governance of customary land in general and registration of customary estates in particular

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