Environmental Policy 2004
The policy recommends a set of actions that should be taken in order to redress the aggravating environmental degradation and facilitate sustainable utilization...
Monitoring, EIA, Conservation, Policy, Decentralisation, Environmental Standards, Waste management, EAD, Degradation, Quality standards, Government publications...
Environmental Management Act 1996
An Act to make provision for the protection and management of the environment and the conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources
Biodiversity, Natural resources, NRM, Waste management, Climate Change, EAD, EIA, Act, Government publications, Inspection, Pollution
Environment Management Bill 2013
A bill to make provision for the protection and management of the environment and the conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources
Audit, EIA, Wetlands, Biodiversity, Monitoring, Environmental Standards, NRM, Waste management, Climate Change, Bill, EAD, Decentralisation, Quality standards, ...
Energy Regulation Act 2004
The Act defines the functions and powers of the Energy Regulatory Authority and provides for licensing of energy undertakings
Government publications, Natural resources, Water resources, Act, Energy, MERA, Electricity, Transmission, Hydroelectricity, Land
Electricity Act 2004
The Act provides information on the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity
Government publications, Natural resources, Water resources, Act, Energy, MERA, Electricity, Transmission, Hydroelectricity, Land
EIA Process in Malawi
Guidelines that provide a list of projects that require an EIA, and a list of projects that may require an EIA
Mining, Land, Natural resources, Guidelines, Irrigation, Environmental Impact Assessment, EIA, Exploration, Development Projects, Government publications, Agric...
Disaster Preparedness and Relief Act 1991
The Act provides information on the establishment of natural disaster preparedness and relief committee of Malawi that is responsible national disaster prepared...
Civil Protection Plan, Risk, Disaster, Climate Change, CPC, Mitigation, Adaptation, Act, Government publications, Natural resources
Department of Fisheries Strategic Plan 2002- 2007
A strategic plan from 2002-2007 for the department of fisheries
Nutrition, LFMA, Natural resources, Fisheries, Fish, Strategic plan, Aquaculture, Fisheries Management Authority, Government publications, Farming, Agriculture
Crop Production Policy
The national crop production policy
Training, Biodiversity, Extension, Processing, Agro-Biodiversity, Crop, Production, Policy, Government publications, Agriculture
Cooperative Development Policy 1997
The document contains general policy guidelines for the cooperative sector, policies on specific cooperatives, cooperative education and training policies and t...
Training, Industrial, Commodity, Fisheries, Farmer Associations, Agriculture, Farmer Organisation, Co-Operatives, Credit, Savings, Policy, Government publicatio...
Competition Policy For Malawi 1997
The national competition policy for Malawi
Business, Consumer Protection, Industry, Private sector, Policy, Government publications, Agriculture, Market, Economy
Brief Summary of Policies and Strategies in the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation 2002
A presentation on the policies and strategies in the agriculture sector
Pluralisation, Research, Policy, Farming, Presentation, Nutrition, HIV, Fisheries, Government publications, Land, Extension, Gender, Lead farmer, Technology, Ag...
ASWAp Comments Donor Platform Agriculture
Comments by Platform members on the draft study on Formulating and Implementing Sector-wide Approaches (SWAps) in Agriculture and Rural Development
Development, ASWAp, Compilation, Research, Government publications, Donor, Agriculture
Agro-Processing Policy Review 2002
A review on the national agro-processing policy
Land, Natural resources, Extension, Review report, Soil, Review, Pluralisation, Research, Lead farmer, Fisheries, Agro-Forestry, Government publications, NRM, F...
Agriculture Sector Wide Approach (ASWAp)
A brief presentation on the ASWAp
Agro-Processing, Agriculture, Training, Land, Natural resources, Extension, Marketing, Fish, Market liberalisation, Pluralisation, Research, Lead farmer, Fisher...
Agriculture Policy Framework 2006.pdf
Agricultural Research Master Plan 1995
A five year plan to guide planning and execution of research programmes for the development of agriculture in Malawi
Land, Livestock, Extension, Soil, Pluralisation, Research, Lead farmer, Strategy, Government publications, Farming, Agriculture, Natural resources
Agricultural Extension in the New Millennium- Towards Pluralistic and Demand Driven Services in Malawi 2000.pdf
Policy Document on agricultural extension
A Strategy for Capacity Development for Decentralisation in Malawi
A Strategy for Capacity Building for Decentralisation in Malawi
Training, Natural resources, CBNA, By-Laws, Strategy, Government publications, Decentralisation
Who Benefits from Land Titling - Lessons from Bolivia and Laos
An illustration on the concern of uneven impacts of formalisation programmes, especially their potentially negative impacts on women
Natural resources, Land, Biodiversity, Periodical, Review paper, Land reform, Women, Land rights, Gender, Titling, Tenure, Land regularisation, Acquisition