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Community Performance Index of Fisheries Co-management in Four Major Lakes in Malawi
- This report highlights the results of the CPI baseline study and highlights the implications in terms of governance and capacity strengthening in the targeted ...
Environmental Threats and Opportunity Assessment of Four Major Lakes in Malawi
- An examination of the freshwater fisheries of the Southeast Arm (SEA) of Lake Malawi and lakes Malombe, Chiuta, and Chilwa through the lenses of climate ...
Good Governance Barometer of Fisheries Co-management of Four Major Lakes in Malawi
- An assessment of the quality of local governance as it relates to fisheries co-management across four focus lake bodies: Lake Chilwa, Lake Chiuta, Lake ...
Organizational Network Analysis of Fisheries Co-management in Lakes Malawi, Malombe & Chilwa
- An analysis of social relationships between organizations within networks involved in management of fisheries resources
Participatory Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment of Four Major Lakes in Malawi
- An analysis and evaluation of the current and prospective vulnerability to climate change of the people around the four Lakes in Malawi, namely, South East ...
Applied Political Economy Analysis of Fisheries Co-management in Four Major Lakes in Malawi
- An analysis of fisheries co-management in four major lakes in Malawi
Fisheries Gender and Youth Analysis of Four Major Lakes in Malawi
- A literature review of the role of gender and youth in fisheries across the four major lakes (Lakes Malawi, Malombe, Chilwa and Chiuta), and included 20 key ...
Fisheries Conservation and Management - Local Community Participation Rules
- Local community participation rules on fisheries conservation and management
Fisheries Conservation and Management Act 1997
- An act on conservation and management of fisheries
Fisheries Conservation and Management Regulations 2000
- Regulations on fisheries conservation and management
National Aquaculture Strategic Plan Main Report 2006- 2015
- A compilation of the best approaches and actions to be taken the DOF to ensure sustainable development and growth of smallholder and commercial aquaculture in ...
National Aquaculture Strategic Plan Section 2 2006- 2015
- This document focuses on the strategies and actions that are needed to advance aquaculture development in Malawi
National Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy 2001
- This policy represents an integrated policy framework for fisheries and aquaculture in Malawi
National Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy 2016
- A revision of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Policy of 2001.