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Livestock Greenhouse Gas Inventory System (GHG-IS) Green Investment Opportunities Brief
- The Government of Malawi launched its Greenhouse Gas Inventory System (GHG-IS) in 2019. This brief highlights green investment opportunities individuals or ...
The 2012-2013 Budget Analysis for the Agriculture Sector
- An analysis of the 2012/13 budget estimates for the Agriculture and Food Security sector.
Striking a Balance - Wetland Management and Policy Gaps
- A keynote address on how wetlands are managed and the policy gaps
Wetlands Key Note Address
- A key note address on wetland management gaps
2011-2012 Draft National Budget Analysis on Climate Change
- An analysis of the 2011/2012 draft budget with a focus on resources earmarked for implementation of activities and programs that relate to climate change, ...
A Review of Policy and International Instruments on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management in Malawi- Towards Development of Comprehensive Policy Frameworks
- A review of policy and international instruments on climate change and disaster and risk management in Malawi
CEPA Draft Position Paper - Towards Development of a Climate Change Policy in Malawi
- This paper seeks to identify the gaps in the existing policy and legal Framework related to climate change policy
Climate Change Adaptation Best Practices
- A compilation of selected adaptation best practices from the interventions implemented by different stakeholders in various districts declared vulnerable
Community Experiences with Climate change - Case Study of Salima District
- A compilation of case studies on community climate change experience in Salima district
ECRP Bulletin December 2015
- A biannual bulletin which highlights key achievements, challenges and lessons learnt in ECRP
ECRP Bulletin June 2015
- A biannual bulletin which highlights key achievements, challenges and lessons learnt in ECRP
ECRP Bulletin March 2014
- A biannual bulletin which highlights key achievements, challenges and lessons learnt in ECRP
Livestock Scale-up Case Study
- A case study of livestock production in ECRP targeted areas
Policy Framework for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in Malawi- A Review of Key Policies and Legislation
- A review of various policies and legislation related to CC adaptation and DRM in Malawi
The 2011-2012 Mid-Year National Budget Analysis with Focus on Climate Change
- A mid year review of the approved 2011/2012 budget with a focus on resources earmarked for implementation of activities and programs that relate to climate ...
Agricultural Research Master Plan 1995
- A five year plan to guide planning and execution of research programmes for the development of agriculture in Malawi
Agriculture Sector Wide Approach (ASWAp)
- A brief presentation on the ASWAp
Agro-Processing Policy Review 2002
- A review on the national agro-processing policy
Brief Summary of Policies and Strategies in the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation 2002
- A presentation on the policies and strategies in the agriculture sector
Food Security Policy 2006
- National Food security Policy
Malawi Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Master Plan 1999
- A masterplan providing guidelines for the execution of demand driven- research in the Agriculture sector
Malawi Agricultural Sector Wide Approach
- The ASWAp is a single comprehensive programme and budget framework that has a formalized process for better donor coordination and harmonization of investment ...
Malawi and the Millennium Development Goals- Challenges and Achievements
- An assessment of what Malawi has achieved in meeting the MDG's and the challenges met
National Contract Farming Strategy 2007
- A strategy for Contract Farming in Malawi
New Agriculture Policy- A Strategic Agenda for Addressing Economic Development and Food Security in Malawi 2005
- Outlines the actions to be implemented by the institution and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector in an effort to create a nation with sustainable ...
Policy Document on Livestock in Malawi 2004
- The policy document on livestock issues in Malawi
Strategic Plan to Improve Livestock Production 2003- 2008
- Outlines and details specific issues ,actions, strategies and activity targets that the department envisages undertaking and achieving in the next five years
The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands- Implications for Malawi
- A presentation on wetlands conventions implications for Malawi