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File National Waste Management Strategy
National Waste Management Strategy is a guide effective waste management in the country. The Strategy provides a holistic framework for waste management by ...
File CSO Submission Towards the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Extension of Mangochi Potable Water Supply Project
A CSO submission of comments in response to the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Extension of Mangochi Potable Water Supply Project.
File CEPA Advocacy Strategy 2016-2020
This document presents key advocacy issues that Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy (CEPA) will be focusing on during the period 2016 to 2020.
File Environment Management Bill 2016
A revised version of the Act which makes provision for the protection and management of the environment and the conservation and sustainable utilization of ...
File Malawi National Guidelines on Integrated Catchment Management and Rural Infrastructure - Volume I
This document introduces catchment management principles: it explores the theory of catchment management in the context of Malawi and lays out the need for ...
File Malawi National Guidelines on Integrated Catchment Management and Rural Infrastructure - Volume II
Volume II comprises practical activities targeted at village level. It explains village level planning processes, and how the Village Level Action Plans formed ...
CEPA Applauds Policy Developments
A statement from the CEPA Executive Director on the recent developments of the policy and legal framework in the environmental sector
File Promoting Responsive and Accountable Extractive Industries Governance- End of Project Evaluation Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference for a call for proposals for the Tilitonse Funded "Promoting Responsive and Accountable Extractive Industries Governance" end of project ...
File Call for Proposals - CEPA Customary Land Governance Project Documentation of Lessons Learnt
Terms of reference for a consultancy assignment to document and consolidate lessons; and package clear policy proposals for consideration in the nationwide ...
File CEPA 2018 Annual Report
This is the 2018 organizational annual report on programmes activities and financials.
Video Tikambe Program-Malawi Land Law Reform 1
A case study discussion of land grabbing in Malawi and the need for land law reform
Video Tikambe Program-Malawi Land Law Reform 2
A case study discussion of land grabbing in Malawi and the need for land law reform
Video Nyachipere River Documentary
A documentary highlighting the impacts of climate change on water resources such as the Nyachipere river
File CEPA Strategic Plan 2021-2025
The new road map to guide the Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy towards the organisational vision of a just and equitable society that promotes ...
File CEPA 2023 Annual Report
CEPA's 2023 achievements and milestones. The report highlights our journey towards an environmentally sound and sustainable Malawi.
File Assessment of Policy Implementation for Environment and Natural Resources Management in Malawi: Analytical Report December, 2010
There are a number of challenges to effective implementaon of environment and natural resources management policies and legislation. Poverty, overpopulation ...
File A Review of the Land Bills 2013
An analysis of the drafting issues within and between the land bills as well as between the land bills and related legislation touching on land matters such as ...
File An Overview of Communal Land Tenure in Namibia - Unlocking its Economic Potential
An overview of the provision of secure tenure over commonage land rights
File Assessing the Impact of Customary Land Rights Registration on Credit Access by Farmers in Tanzania - A Case Study on Mbozi District
An assessing of how far and to what extent rural land tilting conducted by customary land administration system has managed to promote poor farmers in ...
File Assessment of Policy Implementation and Legal Compliance in the Environment and Natural Resources Management Sector
An analytical report on the processes involved in development of policies and legislature related to natural resource management. The report further looks at ...
File Assessment of Policy Implementation for Environment and Natural Resources Management in Malawi
An analysis of some of the main mechanisms that environmental policy and legislation framework utilize for implementation and enforcement. It assesses the ...
File Assessment of Policy Implementation of Relocation Programmes - A Case of Nacala Railway Project
Assessing the implementation of the relocation policy of the Nacala Railway project. The study focused on Mwanza and Neno
File Challenges Environmental Affairs Department Faces in Implementing Monitoring and Auditing Programmes
This paper outlines the challenges that are faced by EAD in monitoring and auditing and provides the recommendations
File Conversions of Customary Lands to Leasehold Titles - Zambia
This brief analyses the conversion process and its impact on rural communities, and discusses proposed solutions for securing customary land rights in Zambia.
File CSO Analysis of the 2011-2014 National Budget Allocation to the ElA Sector
A review on allocations that the sector(EAD) has received in the financial years of 2011/2012, 2012/13 and 2013/14 approved national budgets. The results of ...
File DF Lead Farmer Extension and Training Guide on Sustainable Agriculture
The guide contains technical information, and takes into consideration lessons learnt from field experiences. It incorporates step-by-step construction ...
File Distribution Equity in Malawi - Towards Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Natural Resources Management
An examination of a number of policy instruments with reference to how they address poverty reduction in general and use of natural resources for this ...
File Environmental Management tips
This article provides tips on how one can conserve the environment
File Grabbing land in Malawi
This brief explores the role that grabbing of land in Malawi plays contributing to the distribution of land in Malawi. It focuses on various forms of ...
File Handling land- Innovative Tools for Land Governance and Secure Tenure
The book features land tools developed by the Global Land Tool Network which offer practical ways to solve problems in land administration and management. ...
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